Got anxiety and ADHD? What a combination!
Anxiety and ADHD - what a combo
Therapist Rachel Sykes shares her observations on the increase in her clients with both conditions and discusses possible contributing factors to this increase.
Do you Have a Busy Mind? Sounds Exhausting.
Do you have a busy mind? For many people, they have an overly critical little voice that runs through their mind all the time. Maybe it’s time to learn how to change the narrative.
Hey, Have You Been Feeling (Really) Sad?
It is fairly common for people to feel more depressed and anxious during the colder winter months. For some of us, it negatively affects our ability to function and perhaps we may benefit from getting some help.
Impostor Syndrome: Harmful Pop Culture Expression
Yes, another blog on pop psychology terms. I hear about impostor syndrome pretty often, and I usually assume that person is talking about feeling seriously insecure and in need of some work on their self esteem. That person is probably a woman. However, telling women that they suffer insecurity is probably harmful, as it blames the victim of what is likely to be systematic bias and discrimination.
Feeling Existential? The Profound Work of Viktor Frankl
Viktor Frankl is a foundational figure in the world of psychology and his profound work remains relevant today. Frankl honed his philosophy of life during his horrific experiences as a prisoner in Nazi concentration camps, where he learned how to survive by creating meaning.
Social Anxiety: Feeling Anxious When You Want to Have Fun?
I have to admit that I am still dealing with some after affects of COVID. Not long COVID, thankfully, but I am still feeling unsettled in some of my friendships in a way I haven’t felt since I was a little kid.
Is This a Panic Attack? But it’s So Scary!
Panic attacks can be really frightening, such that they are sometimes mistaken for a heart attack. There are some ways to manage panic attacks to reduce their reoccurrence.
Difference Between Stress and Anxiety: Does it Matter?
Stress and anxiety tend to have similar if not identical characteristics – sufferers experience symptoms such as worry, perseveration, overwhelm, reduced energy level, heart racing, difficulty sleeping, physical shaking, muscular tension, changes in blood sugar levels, decreased immunity, and even ulcers.
A stressed out client: her journey to a more peaceful mind
For those of us who experience chronic stress, it can feel so overwhelming that it prevents us from experiencing some of the good things that life has to offer. Consider Allegra*, a mother of 3 young children with her partner Alex.
Being Perfect: Is Perfectionism the Enemy?
Perfectionism describes a common belief where a person is overly consumed with being perfect in some or multiple ways, such that it results in emotional/psychological distress. IT’s tough because perfection sounds like a good thing!
Post-COVID anxiety: I never used to feel like this - Part I
Both personally and professionally, I have noticed that many people have been feeling unlike themselves since COVID. We are eager to be around friends but a little anxious about going out, feeling differently about friends and family, feeling overcome with sadness and spending a lot of time over-thinking things.
Being Present: tired cliché or effective technique?
Meditation on being in the present moment
What’s with your “walk and talk” therapy?
You may have heard that exercise, walking i particular, is good for your mental health. Taking a walk with your therapist during your session offers benefits (and risks).